Really, I'm with the Band!!

Words, musings and rantings of a woman who married the bass player!!

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Location: Portland, Oregon

Grabbed the bull by the horns and took a wild ride. Needless to say, my back hurts a little.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The wrong donut

My husband left this morning for tour. A 3 month world wide rock and roll tour. We've been together for over 10 years and I'm used to this type of scheduling, but it still sucks when he leaves. So, I'm a little down. But I figured, it's nothing a donut couldn't fix. The cure for all depression. I was actually looking for the ultimate in comfort morning food...a chocolate eclair. Filled with delicious custard. MMMM. I got downtown early today, and began my search. San Francisco leaves much to be desired in the way of donuts. I grew up on Dunkin Donuts. The most awesome donut in the land. I don't care what you say about those stinky krispy kremes (more on that in a minute) Dunkin Donuts rules. And with a cup of their coffee. Light and sweet. You just can't go wrong. But alas, no Dunkin Donuts in San Francisco or the bay area for that matter. I stopped at my Happy Donut place, but the donuts that looked like eclairs had no filling. So I take off. I'm walking along and I see a sign in front of the SF Soup Company with a picture of a boston creme donut (via krispy kreme....ick) but I was down and desparate. I couldn't get my clutches on an eclair so I paid A FREAKING DOLLAR for a regular sized filled donut. ( and might I add, the regular size Krispy Kreme donut is smaller than Dunkin Donuts and way more sugary) My hopes aren't super high at this point, but I figure, this donut, albeit smaller than the eclair, is pretty much the same as it is full of custard, covered with the chocolate frosting and looking like a smaller version of an eclair so my need for comfort will most likely be met. WRONGO! I should no better than to eat the Krispy Kreme donut. I already know I don't like them. The few I have had have NEVER MET MY SATISFACTION...but as I mentioned I was desparate. I got to my desk, turned on the computer, started checking my e-mail and took a bite of the donut. It was full of that white cream that used to fill the chocolate hostess cupcakes. I got a mouth full of what I thought would be custard but was instead..this white junk. Ugh. I was none to pleased. I ate it of course. (Fuck, the thing cost me a damn dollar.) But never...NEVER again will I eat the Krispy Kreme. I don't care how desparate or depressed I am. I'll do without...or satisfy my need for comfort with a good old fashioned cocktail and forget about it!


Blogger ms. jared said...

hee hee. "the wrong donut". sounds like the title of an encyclopedia brown book.

BTW, i couldn't get the howard zinn link below to open...

xoxo, jared

9:05 AM  

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