Really, I'm with the Band!!

Words, musings and rantings of a woman who married the bass player!!

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Location: Portland, Oregon

Grabbed the bull by the horns and took a wild ride. Needless to say, my back hurts a little.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

It’s not everyday you see a really tall guy in a suit walking downtown eating a banana

I was totally tired when I woke up this morning. I went through the usual morning ritual and got into the city a few minutes before I was supposed to be at the office. I stopped off for a peppermint hot chocolate (my reward to myself for coming in to the office at all) and headed in the direction of my office. As I was walking, I noticed this guy, he had to be about 6’ 4”, he’s walking with this other guy, talking and eating a banana. The banana was half eaten, peels flapped over his banana gripping hand and bounced up and down as he walked. I think I noticed this because usually, folks are walking down the street with a cup of coffee or a cigarette. Neither Coffee cups or Cigarettes bounce while you walk. So here's this guy, tall as I don't know what eating a banana, and I got to thinking what if everyone carrying and drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes on the way to the office carried and ate bananas instead. I started to think about how people’s behavior would be different in the morning if the stimulant was a banana or a piece of fruit as opposed to a cup of coffee or a cigarette. More smiles perhaps? More tolerance perhaps? More energy....perhaps?

So I'm hoping tomorrow you'll humor me ( and yourself). Next time your walking around in a crowd of downtown morning people, imagine them all carrying and enjoying bananas. If only for the humorous mental picture of people dressed fancy carrying bananas in the morning downtown.



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