Really, I'm with the Band!!

Words, musings and rantings of a woman who married the bass player!!

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Location: Portland, Oregon

Grabbed the bull by the horns and took a wild ride. Needless to say, my back hurts a little.

Monday, November 08, 2004

The waiting, is the hardest part.

So I’m waiting for the plumber and the general contractor to come and tell me what we’ve been telling the powers that be for more than three years now, that the walls need to be opened up upstairs in order to figure out what the fuck is going on with the leak. I called the plumber this morning to see if they could give me an actual time that they’d be showing up, but of course, no response from them. The last I heard was “sometime” between 9:30 and 10:30. It’s crazy how these guys really have you by the balls. (Contractors, Plumbers, cable guy, telephone repair, mechanic) Why is it impossible for them to just give you a time? Control, or lack thereof, has really been coming up for me in the past few weeks. It’s unfuckingbelievable the amount of bullshit and run around you get trying to get something done with a condo association…and a management company. Neither of which are living through the rain in their unit. But both “understand” what we must be going through. Well I believe the COA really is concerned, but I’m pretty positive the management company could give a shit either way. It’d be different if we were dealing with a few drips and drops here and there. But it’s not just a drip, it fucking rains inside my first floor condo, and it’s been raining in here for 3 years. Yeah, doesn’t make much fucking sense. Barrels full. But we’ve got to “go through the proper channels”, and get a “good bid”, and understand that “these things take time” and “we don’t have that much money”, and…blah, blah, blah fucking blah. So I’m waiting. My patience again being tested. And I know I’m not the only one in the world who has to deal with this fucking foolishness. Everyone everywhere passing the buck. No one is responsible for shit anymore.

Over the weekend, I was watching RV secrets. It’s on the travel channel, which I love to watch. Since I want nothing more than to get the fuck out of my condo and live where there are trees, grass and no one over my head hammering incessantly or running their fucking dogs. (I don’t hate dogs, just hate them running over my head in the morning my neighbors totally fucking suck, there’s sure to be a blog about them soon) anyway, I’m watching the travel channel and they’re showing these massive RV’s. Some of them a cross between a tour bus and motor home. It was funny because when I was watching it, I was thinking that the band should utilize these more. They rent a tour bus for every tour. And the bus has bunks, and a lounge, a toilet (for pee only), microwave and fridge. Sounds cool. But when I saw these RV’s, those guys are really missing out. Parts of the RV slide out for extra space. Are equipped with showers, and flat screen televisions. Even a little more like home.

There are these places that are luxury RV parks. Hot tubs, swimming pools, golf, hiking trails, beautiful scenery, gourmet dining. It’s wild. A whole other culture going on. If you and a bunch of friends all got RV’s, you could meet up at these places and have some fun. And if your neighbors suck, you can drive away from them and go to another place. I’ve really got to downsize my life; cuz this really seems like it could work for me. With the political climate the way it is, and me not being able to afford to move to Canada or any other good cool place, RV living is looking pretty fucking good. There are a ton of places that I’ve never been to that are RV friendly. I’d love to explore the desert more.

So yeah, I’m still waiting. No calls from anyone. I have all day though. So what’s the big fucking deal? I don’t need to make a living or anything like that. I’m not sure how well sarcasm comes across on the blog. But right now, I’m being pretty sarcastic. I’m getting my daily headache. Pretty psyched about that. It’s not one that would stop traffic, just a little annoying throbbing at my right temple. I’ve been drinking good mood tea, which has St. John’s Wort in it. I don’t know if it’s working or not, of if it’s just a distraction from being mostly annoyed. I called the plumber back and the lady said, “He’s on his way”. I called the contractor and he said “ on his way”. Who knows what the fuck that means?


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