Really, I'm with the Band!!

Words, musings and rantings of a woman who married the bass player!!

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Location: Portland, Oregon

Grabbed the bull by the horns and took a wild ride. Needless to say, my back hurts a little.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Just Stay Home Sickie

I came down with whatever hideousness that’s been going around the office. I was so sick that there were moments when I thought my head was going to explode right off my shoulders in a fevered splatter of brain matter and snot. This office is a freaking germ factory. I’ve been swabbing things down with Lysol wipes and using my hand sanitizer after each sneeze, hack and nose blow and still, the germs seem to be winning. People around here are dropping like flies whacked with a shot of raid mid flight. It’s crazy. I work in a building that doesn’t have any windows that open. That’s right, no fresh air. Just recycled germy air. Nice.

What’s really crazy though is that folks feel like they have to come to work. Even when they are sick. As soon as I feel sick, and it’s work day, I call in. Mostly because it pisses me off so much that other people don’t. I don’t want to be lumped into the category of folks who spread the germs all around. I truly believe that if people just stayed home at the very first sign of infection, it would decrease the spread of these germs. (oh yeah, and washing your damn hands!!) From all the stuff I’ve read, most colds and flu bugs are contagious the first few days of the cold. (actually, with colds, as long as you are showing symptoms, you are contagious, but if it’s the flu, you’re contagious the first 4 days or something…..but don’t take it from me…do the research yourself) By the time you really get kicked in the ass by the office bug dujour, (which is usually when you finally call in sick) it’s too late, you’ve already infected everyone else in the office. (cuz you coughed in your hand, which I totally appreciate as it is the polite thing to do, and then used the fax machine, or the copier or the printer or the handle to the bathroom with that same hand)

But just staying home isn’t that easy. I personally have some weird catholic work guilt complex. (and I’m not even catholic) that forces me into the office against my better judgment sometimes. Except when it comes to being sick. I also understand (as I used to be a temp) that sometimes you have to go to work sick. No work, no cash. Simple as that. Which is pretty fucked up. But on the other side of the coin, all you employers out there who won’t pay for insurance deserve to get infected with the same hideous flu virus the peons who serve you do. Bring down the whole ship!!! But that really punishes your coworkers who don’t have anything to do with the boss who won’t insure you. So if you can. Stay home. If you can’t stay home, be hyper vigilant about washing your hands after you cough, blow your nose, sneeze. I know, I know, that means you’ll be running to the bathroom every few seconds…but this is where a small bottle of hand sanitizer can come in handy.

Listen, I'm ranting like this because I just don’t want anyone to have whatever it was I just had (and kind of still have but not to the same hideous degree it was a few days ago). And yes, I’m back at work. Wielding my hand sanitizer for all the world to see. Actions speak louder than words.



Blogger ms. jared said...

feel better! i got it too and it sucked! i took BOIRON homeopathic remedy and it worked miracles. give it a try.

xoxo, jared

9:47 AM  

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