Really, I'm with the Band!!

Words, musings and rantings of a woman who married the bass player!!

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Location: Portland, Oregon

Grabbed the bull by the horns and took a wild ride. Needless to say, my back hurts a little.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Just a little clammy

All day I’ve been in a state of almost hung over. I had some wine and a pretty strong cocktail and no real dinner last night. I’m not so bad that I have a headache or any other physical examples of alcohol poisoning (except I'm a little, definately clammy), but I do keep finding myself staring off into space, thinking of absolutely nothing. Or I find myself focusing on the sound of the vent that's above my head. Or the hum of the nearby copy machine.

Sometimes my mind drifts off to warmer places (like my bed) and as my mind drifts, my eyes get heavy…blink more infrequently, and begin to drop closed. And then I'm suddenly jolted awake by the hacking cough of my co-worker and cube neighbor. And I'm back again at my desk. A little sweaty. But functionable. Even as I type this, I find I'm pausing and staring at the flashing cursor...blink...blink...blink...

Thank the goddess that there's only 10 minutes left of work.....hope I don't pass out on the BART on the ride home and miss my stop. That would really really suck.


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